How to fill out a Waiver form

  1. When you make your purchase, you may be asked to fill out a Waiver form. If your event requires a waiver, you will need to proactively share the waiver link with all members of your booking party. They will be able to add their declaration to your booking reference. Note: Use the copy icon or share icon to share it with your party.

  1. Click the waiver form and fill out the required details - see example waiver below. When you reach the bottom of the waiver, please check that all details are correct and click Save. You will also see the blue button “Copy Link” so you can copy and paste the link into an email to share with someone in your party. The sales reference will copy over automatically.

  1. Once completed, click Continue and your purchase will finalise. You will be sent a copy of your ticket wallet to your email address.