How do I stop all ticket sales for an event?

  1. Click on the “Dashboard” of your event that you want to temporarily stop ticket sales for.

  2. Use the toggle to switch ticket sales on and off temporarily.

  3. You will be asked to confirm if you wish to temporarily stop ticket sales.

You are about to temporarily stop all ticket sales for this event.

Are you sure you want to do this?

  1. Select Yes, I’m Sure or No, Cancel.

  2. The green dialogue box in the top right corner will tell you the status of your event.

Ticket purchases have been temporarily paused.


Your event is back online, tickets sales are resumed.

Note: If the circle of the toggle is on the left, your ticket sales are on. If it is on the right, you have paused your ticket sales. If you are unsure, pay attention to the notifications in the top  right corner.