Activate Ticket B when Ticket A sells out

This feature allows you to activate a second ticket type when another type ticket sells out. You will be notified when the ticket has sold out and that the next type of ticket has gone on sale.

  1. Click on the Tickets tile

  2. Click Add Ticket Type

  3. Create Ticket Type A (for example - Early Bird)

  4. Fill out the price and quantity available

  5. Click Advanced Options and select “Activate Tickets”

  6. Create Ticket Type B (for example - General Admission)

  7. Fill out the price and quantity available

  8. Click Advanced Options and select both of these:

    1. “De- Activate Tickets”

    2. “Activate tickets when another ticket sells out”

  9. Another drop down will open called Ticket Type

  10. Select which ticket type you want to sell out first before Ticket B goes on sale automatically. In this scenario, we want to select Ticket A (Early Bird)

  11. On your events public page you will see that only Ticket A (Early Bird) is available. Ticket B (General Admission) will appear as not available.

  12. When Ticket A (Early Bird) sells out, the system will take 1 minute to refresh and Ticket B (General Admission) will automatically go on sale. Ticket A (Early Bird) will be marked as unavailable now.

  13. The system will send an email notification to the organiser to notify them of this.